Braehead Arena
Glasgow G51 4BN
20 & 21 June 2025
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Andrew Hince

Andrew Hince BSc MSc CSci is a Consultant Physicist and Head of Radiation Protection at NHS Highland. He is an experienced Radiation Protection Adviser and Medical Physics Expert, having worked for 35 years in the fields of diagnostic radiology physics, dental radiology and radiation protection.

He started his career at Poole Hospital Dorset then moving to the Royal Sussex Hospital, Brighton, where he was Deputy Head of the Radiological Science and Safety Service. He moved to Inverness in 2009 and leads a team of clinical scientists providing support to imaging departments across the Highlands and Western Isles.

Andrew is also Radiation Protection Advisor and Medical Physics Expert to a number of private dentists. He is the current chair of the Scottish Radiation Protection Adviser Group (SRPA) and a member of the Scottish Strategic Network in Diagnostics Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering Core Group.

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