Braehead Arena
Glasgow G51 4BN
31 May & 1 June 2024
More about CPD

Flora Couper

Co-owner, Love Your Dentistry. Dental Hygienist

Flora Couper has been part of the dental profession for more than 30 years as a dental hygienist and business coach. She is co-founder of ‘Love Your Dentistry’ an online platform to support dental practices to implement optimum care and profitability through the dental hygienist and dental therapist models.

She is also an NLP coach and accredited insights practitioner which supports people and team development, enhances communication and is powerful in supporting effective selling.

Her mission is to support a win-win situation with clinicians, the team, the patients and the business.

Find Flora online at @FloraCouper and @loveyourdentistry on Instagram and Facebook.

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