Braehead Arena
Glasgow G51 4BN
31 May & 1 June 2024
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Jim McCaul

Professor Jim McCaul qualified in medicine and dentistry, both with honours and winning 10 undergraduate prizes and medals before completing higher training in the West of Scotland. His PhD in Cancer Science was completed at the Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Beatson Institute, now known as the CRUK Scotland Institute.

Jim was a Consultant Surgeon in Yorkshire for eight years from 2006 and then in London at The Royal Marsden Hospital and Northwick Park Hospital before moving to Scotland in 2017. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Bradford Institute for Cancer Therapeutics.

With 13 national and international awards, Jim was presented with the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS) President’s Award for research optimising major surgery in 2012 and the BAOMS Surgery Prize 2014 in recognition of his international contribution. His team also won the BAOMS Norman Rowe Clinical Research Prize in 2014.

Jim is Chief Investigator of the CRUK Lugol’s iodine in head and neck cancer surgery (LIHNCS) trial and the LISTER trial, recruiting 419 patients, an international first for a mouth cancer surgical trial. His research is in minimising impact and optimising outcomes from head and neck cancer surgery and effectively treating after-effects, such as osteoradionecrosis. He is also a co-investigator in eight clinical trials in the UK and collaborates with researchers internationally.

Jim is Assistant Editor of the International Journal of Surgery and IJS Case Reports and was Associate Editor of the British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery until 2014. He reviews for 14 other international medical research journals and has authored five book chapters, 64 research papers and more than 140 research abstracts. His first book for the open market, Face to Face was published in 2018 by Transworld (Penguin).

In his private practice, Jim has a holistic approach to patients requiring all aspects of facial surgery including removal of facial lesions, skin cancer surgery, facial plastic surgery, salivary gland surgery and dentoalveolar surgery (e.g. wisdom tooth removal).

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